A GROUP of hardcore Christians have predicted the end of the world in 2017 after finding links between the solar eclipse due to hit the UK and America and passages in the Book of Revelation.

While it is yet to be revealed whether their premonition will become a reality, here are 10 times that spooky premonitions have come true…


 The collapse of the world trade centre cost the lives of hundreds of people

The collapse of the world trade centre cost the lives of hundreds of peopleCredit: Alamy
The tragedy of September 11, 2001 led to numerous accounts from people who claimed to have predicted the events.

On his way to work, Barrett Naylor had the sudden feeling that he needed to return home.

When he arrived home it was to the scene of the Twin Towers burning on live TV.

Abraham Lincoln

 Lincoln's prediction came true when he was shot and killed

Lincoln’s prediction came true when he was shot and killedCredit: Getty Images
Not only did Abraham Lincoln correctly predict a murder, he correctly predicted his own murder.

The former President of The United States dreamt he was in the White House attending a funeral.

When he asked who the congregation were mourning, the soldier replied: “The President’s.”

Soon after, Lincoln was assassinated.


 The plane is still yet to be found

The plane is still yet to be foundCredit: Getty Images
Nostradamus, the 16th-century French philosopher has had many premonitions that have come true.

Fans of his work have interpreted it in many ways – and some go as far as to suggest that he predicted that fiery objects would one day start falling from the sky.

Some have taken this to mean that he prophesied that there would one day be air disasters such as the disappearance of flight MH307 – long before the invention of aircraft themselves.


 The war left a sea of devastation across Europe

The war left a sea of devastation across EuropeCredit: UK MoD/Atlas Photo Archive
In 1914 the psychoanalyst Carl Jung had an eerily accurate premonition of the First World War.

He saw images of a sea of blood and water, that he claimed represented the trenches, stretching from the Alps to the North Sea.

The war began a month after his dream.


 Nostradamus predicted the rise of the Nazi dictator

Nostradamus predicted the rise of the Nazi dictator
Nostradamus also foresaw the rise of Hitler.

Alarmingly, as he had predicted, Hitler rose from a poor background to gain power in the East, lived in Germany and was a big part of a large battle.