Kanye West Warns Drake: A Deep Dive into Music Industry Conspiracies

In a dramatic and shocking turn of events, Kanye West has sent out a chilling warning to fellow rapper Drake, suggesting that Universal Music Group (UMG) might be plotting against him.

But Kanye’s warning isn’t just a casual remark—he’s talking about the kind of conspiracy that allegedly took down musical icons like Michael Jackson and Prince. And while this might sound like something out of a thriller movie, Kanye and others are claiming it’s all too real.

To understand where this warning stems from, we need to rewind to 2012, when Drake signed a massive deal with UMG that was reportedly worth around $500 million. At the time, it seemed like Drake had secured the deal of a lifetime. But as the saying goes, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

What Drake signed was a 360 deal—a contract that, in essence, gives the label a cut of everything: merch, tours, endorsements, and more. In the music industry, 360 deals are often compared to “selling your soul to the devil” because the label essentially owns you.

In the beginning, Drake probably thought he’d outsmarted everyone, but now word is spreading that he might be realizing he got more than he bargained for.

Kanye West and Drake Squash Beef - XXL

Enter Kanye West, with his bold claims that major labels like UMG will go to extreme lengths to maintain control over their top artists. And when Kanye says “extreme lengths,” he’s not being subtle—he’s pointing fingers at what happened to Michael Jackson and Prince.

Michael Jackson and Prince, two of the most influential musicians of all time, both had very public struggles with their record labels. Jackson, in particular, was in a bitter feud with Sony over his music catalog.

He was vocal about his belief that the label was trying to destroy him, famously holding up a sign on stage that read, “Sony kills music.” Shortly after, just as Jackson was preparing to go independent, he tragically passed away on June 25, 2009.

Official reports state that Michael Jackson died from a propofol overdose, administered by his personal doctor, Conrad Murray. However, the circumstances surrounding his death raised many eyebrows.

Murray didn’t call 911 immediately after finding Jackson unconscious, waiting almost an hour and a half before seeking help. Jackson’s fans, and even members of his family, weren’t convinced it was just a medical mishap. His sister, LaToya Jackson, publicly stated that Michael had confided in her, saying he knew people were out to get him.

Prince, too, had a long battle with his label, Warner Brothers, over control of his master recordings. He famously changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol as a way of resisting the control the label had over him. Just as Prince finally regained control of his music catalog, he died in 2016 from what was officially ruled as an accidental overdose.

Both cases—Michael Jackson and Prince—have fueled conspiracy theories about the lengths record labels will go to in order to keep their grip on artists and their profits.

Michael Jackson and Prince's feud explained: Why the pop rivals hated each  other - Smooth

So, where does Drake fit into this narrative? According to Kanye, Drake’s recent behavior—particularly his feuds with other artists, like Kendrick Lamar—could be putting him at risk.

Recently, Kendrick has been hinting at some dark allegations about Drake and the music industry, stirring the pot even further. Kanye seems to believe that Drake’s label, UMG, might see him as a liability, and if history is any indicator, the consequences could be severe.

To make matters worse, Drake’s attempts to stand up to UMG haven’t gone unnoticed. Earlier this year, he leaked a massive data dump of music, only for UMG to quickly shut it down with a copyright strike. While it might seem like a simple business dispute, Kanye and other industry insiders are suggesting there’s much more going on behind the scenes.

The real fear here is that UMG, like other major labels, has the power and influence to make serious problems for artists who don’t toe the line. And if Drake continues to challenge the status quo—especially with Kendrick Lamar breathing down his neck—he could find himself in dangerous territory.

Kendrick Lamar isn’t just another artist feuding with Drake over petty lyrics or industry drama. In fact, Kendrick’s recent accusations have taken things to a whole new level.

He hasn’t just been dissing Drake’s music—he’s hinted at some deeply disturbing allegations, suggesting that Drake and his OVO crew might be involved in activities far worse than industry beef. These accusations range from rumors of a cover-up to dark secrets about the very structure of the music industry itself.

What’s even more alarming is that Kendrick’s claims aren’t just targeting Drake. He’s suggested that the corruption runs all the way to the top, implicating major figures like UMG CEO Lucian Grainge. Grainge’s name came up in a separate lawsuit involving Diddy, where it was alleged that he was involved in shady dealings, including blackmail and hidden cameras at Diddy’s infamous parties.

Kanye West and Drake have officially ended their beef

The connections between these lawsuits, Drake’s issues with UMG, and Kendrick’s cryptic warnings all paint a picture of an industry mired in corruption, with artists caught in the crossfire.

At the heart of all this is the question of control. Major labels like UMG hold incredible power over their artists, especially those who have signed 360 deals like Drake. These contracts give the label a stake in almost every aspect of an artist’s career, turning what should be a partnership into something much more oppressive.

Kanye, who has been vocal about the exploitation of artists in the industry, has warned that when artists like Michael Jackson, Prince, and now Drake become too much of a threat, labels can—and will—move to protect their interests. Whether through legal battles, contract disputes, or more sinister means, the goal is the same: control.

Drake might think he’s on top of the world, but Kanye’s warning suggests that his position is far more precarious than it seems. If Drake continues to push against UMG, challenging the control they have over him, he could find himself in a battle he’s not prepared for—a battle that previous giants in the industry have lost.

Kanye’s warning to Drake isn’t just about one artist’s feud with his label. It’s a reflection of a deeper issue in the music industry—a system that has historically exploited and controlled its most successful artists. From Michael Jackson to Prince, and now potentially Drake, the industry has shown time and again that it values profit over people.

The question now is: Will Drake heed Kanye’s warning? Or will he become the latest casualty in a long line of artists who dared to challenge the system?

Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: The music industry is far more dangerous than it appears, and the stakes for artists like Drake have never been higher.