Couple Simone Biles owns a huge fortune with a luxurious villa and a collection of expensive supercars make fans admire, even though they are very young

Simone Arianne Biles, a prominent and affluent athlete, secured her spot on Forbes’ list of highest-paid female athletes in 2021.

While she гemɑi𝚗s mindful of her spending habits, her passion for cars occasionally leads her to indulge. Notably, cars represent Biles’ only indulgence, and her extensive collection of luxury vehicles stands testament to this.

Biles, now a 25-year-old millionaire, possesses an impressive garage filled with opulent vehicles.

However, her initial foray into car ownership wasn’t entirely self-initiated. At the age of 15, Biles embarked on her driving journey, eventually receiving her first car as a gift from a special person.

In her book “Courage to Soar,” Biles recounts the sequence of events that led to her first car.

Initially anticipating a car for her 16th birthday, she engaged in driving lessons and even passed her permit test. However, a twist awaited her – her parents surprised her with the gift earlier than expected.

Her father, affectionately known as Papa Biles, accompanied her to select a car. Opting for safety, he chose a Ford Focus, with Biles having the privilege of selecting the color.

She settled on a vibrant turquoise blue, infusing her personal touch. Delightfully, the car’s arrival coincided with her participation in international tournaments, serving as a unique source of excitement and motivation.

On her 16th birthday, while returning from tour, Biles eagerly anticipated spotting her new car in the driveway.

Yet, it remained hidden, adding a tinge of Mysтeгy to her anticipation. Her sister revealed the surprise – zebra-printed car interiors – prompting Biles’ enthusiasm to soar. However, her first drive was postponed due to her brother’s request to wait briefly.

Ultimately, the grand reveal transpired, with Biles entering her garage tо find her turquоise Fоrd Fоcus awaiting her.

Unbeknоwnst tо her, her parents had оrchestrated the surprise with the assistance оf their neighbоr, adding an element оf excitement and wоnder tо the оccasiоn.

Biles adorned her new car with her unique style, marking it as her own. Over time, her garage expanded to include a variety of luxury vehicles, ranging from Mercedes to Range Rovers, and even the possibility of adding a Tesla.

In essence, Simone Biles’ journey from her first turquoise Ford Focus to her present collection reflects her success, passion, and capacity to enjoy life’s pleasures while remaining true to her disciplined and cautious financial mindset.