The seductive beauty of the stripper who was a famous spy in World War I

Possessing a hot beauty and natural talent, the legendary spy Mata Hari had a difficult life and a tragic ending.

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The legendary spy Mata Hari’s real name was Margaretha Geertruida Zelle MacLeod, born in 1876.

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She had an extremely happy childhood because her father was a successful businessman. Since childhood, she had received a good education.

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In contrast to most other Dutch children who had white skin and blond hair, Margaretha had dark skin, beautiful facial features and a bold personality.

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She joined a dance company in Indonesia and took the stage name Mata Hari (meaning “eyes of the day”).

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Not long after that, Mata Hari divorced her husband and moved to Paris. Here she began her career as a dancer in 1905.

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Her hot beauty, excellent dancing ability, bold fashion style and free-spirited personality made spy Mata Hari famous far and wide.

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In 1916, the French counterintelligence agency suspected the beautiful dancer Mata Hari of spying for Germany. At that time, Mata expressed her desire to become an intelligence officer for France.

Some time later, France discovered that Mata Hari was spying for Germany.

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Mata Hari when she was arrested on February 13, 1917. The beautiful dancer was convicted of being a double agent and sentenced to death.

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Mata Hari’s execution in a documentary.

A statue of her in Leeuwarden, Netherlands.