Decoding the shocking truths about World War II

World War II was the most fierce and bloodiest war in human history. Many truths about this war shocked the public.

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Taking place from 1939 – 1945, World War II was a large-scale war with the participation of more than 50 countries and territories around the world. This fierce and bloody war took place on land, at sea and in the air.

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According to estimates, about 70 million soldiers participated in this fierce war. World War II claimed the lives of about 60 – 80 million people (including soldiers and civilians).

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Of these, about 6 million Jews were massacred by the Nazis in World War II. This event originated from the “Final Solution” directed by Hitler to destroy Jews throughout Europe.

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With the scale of the war and the large number of casualties, experts say World War II is the largest and most dangerous conflict in human history to date.

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After World War II broke out, Hitler and the Nazi government, with ambitions to dominate Europe, launched a series of invasions of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Greece, etc.

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The United States did not participate in World War II from the beginning. After Japan suddenly attacked the US fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941, Washington officials officially declared war on Germany and joined the fight against the Axis.

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Some countries remained neutral in World War II, including Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

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During World War II, British Corporal Bob Roberts, 1.6m tall, made an impressive achievement by forcing a Nazi army to surrender. He captured the tallest soldier in the German army. The image of Corporal Roberts escorting the 2m2 German soldier became an iconic photo.

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The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the largest naval battle of World War II. More than 200,000 soldiers and more than 300 warships participated in this naval battle.

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The bloodiest battle of World War II was the Battle of Stalingrad, which took place between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany from August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943. It is estimated that about 2 million people were killed or wounded in this fierce battle.