If we calculate the total combat time of an American soldier on the Vietnam battlefield, compared to the total combat time of American soldiers in World War II, the difference will be startling.

According to reports from the US military, on the Vietnam battlefield, each American soldier had to fight for an average of 240 days a year. Meanwhile, in World War II, each American soldier only fought for an average of 40 days a year, 6 times lower.

Linh My khang dinh chien truong Viet Nam dang so hon The chien 2-Hinh-3

The total combat time of a soldier is calculated by the number of times he encountered the enemy on the front line, or faced the risk of being killed in raids.

The Vietnam battlefield was also the most difficult place for the US Air Force when they had to fight with a record number of flight hours. In total, during the war in Vietnam, the US Air Force had to fly more than 7.5 million flight hours.

This is the total flight time of all US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps forces, more than any war the US has participated in up to now.

With the time of fighting since the first US soldiers landed in Da Nang on March 8, 1965 and the last US soldiers left Vietnam on March 29, 1973, US soldiers fought in Vietnam for a total of 2,943 days, longer than any war in US history.

Specifically, the US Civil War lasted a total of 1,488 days, half the time US soldiers fought in Vietnam. Up to now, no war that the US has participated in has surpassed this “record” in terms of time.

In addition, the Vietnam battlefield also holds many other unforgettable “records” of the Americans such as the most number of American planes crashed, the most B-52s crashed, the most helicopters shot down, etc.

Linh My khang dinh chien truong Viet Nam dang so hon The chien 2-Hinh-5

Vietnam is also where the US Army received many valuable lessons in terms of tactics, military strategy, and especially lessons that the US still cannot solve until now, such as how to counter the Vietnamese guerrilla style.

Compared to World War II, the war in Vietnam was clearly longer in terms of time, more difficult for US soldiers in all aspects.

The US Congress and even US President Kennedy once intended to stop military intervention in Vietnam, but they just did not know how to do it. This effort of President Kennedy also failed when he was assassinated in 1963.

In total, 58,220 US soldiers were killed during the entire Vietnam War. This number only includes US soldiers, the number of US citizens participating in non-military activities, journalists and especially US CIA agents who died in Vietnam is still a mystery.

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In total, during the war in Vietnam, the US changed Presidents 5 times, but none of them could solve the Vietnam problem in a “reasonable and reasonable” way.

The war in Vietnam made Americans realize many lessons, one of which was the expensive lesson of “long-term participation in war”, it is clear that the US Army, US soldiers and US people did not have enough patience for a military activity that lasted for decades like in Vietnam.

In the end, the US received “bitter fruit” in this war that lasted for decades. However, the consequences of the war were still imprinted in the minds of US soldiers who fought in Vietnam for decades after that.